A major objective of the conference will be to link research and innovative ideas to engineering practice. Presentations describing technology transfer from recent research projects to practical projects are encouraged.
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Civil-Comp Press
Computational, Engineering & Technology Conferences
The Seventeenth International Conference on
Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing 28-31 August 2023
Pécs, Hungary organised in cooperation with the:
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology University of Pécs, Hungary
Final Conference Programme
This is the seventeenth in the CIVIL-COMP series of conferences concerned with the application of computers to civil, structural and environmental engineering. The conference will provide a forum for the presentation and dissemination of recent research and developments in the use of computers in civil, structural and environmental engineering.
A major objective of the conference will be to link research and innovative ideas to engineering practice. Presentations describing technology transfer from recent research projects to practical projects are encouraged.
All presentations will be related to computing as applied, in the widest sense,
to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering.
The range of areas considered by the Conference will include (but not be confined to):
Areas of Application:
Techniques and Tools:
Computational Technology Issues including Hardware & Software:
Professional and Practice Issues:
A number of special sessions will be organised at this Conference. If you wish to
participate in a special session please indicate this when you submit your paper. Over the coming months the list of special sessions will
gradually grow.
The list of special sessions is being assembled. The current list of special sessions includes:
organised by: Prof. Y.B. Yang1, Prof. J.D. Yau2, Prof. Judy P. Yang3, Dr. Z.L. Wang4, Dr. S. Urushdaze5, Dr. D.S. Yang6 1School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China; 2Department of Architecture, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan; 3Department of Civil Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan; 4School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China; 5Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic 6Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
organised by: Prof. Yong Yuan1, Prof. Roberto Cudmani2 and Dr. Jinhua Zhang3 1Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China; 2Zentrum Geotechnik, TU Munich, Munich, Germany; 3Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Xi-an Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China
organised by: Prof. Machi Zawidzki1 and Prof. Miroslaw Skibniewski2 1Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland 2University of Maryland, USA
organised by: Prof. Arpad Barsi Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary Email: barsi.arpad@emk.bme.hu
organised by: Prof. Yong Yuan1, Prof. Bernhard L.A. Pichler2 and Dr. Jiao-Long Zhang3 1Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China; Email: yuany@tongji.edu.cn 2Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria; Email: Bernhard.Pichler@tuwien.ac.at 3Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China; Email: Jiaolong_Zhang@tongji.edu.cn
organised by: Dr J. Brozovsky Institute of Technology of Building Materials and Components, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, Email: jiri.brozovsky@vsb.cz
organised by: Prof. D. Aita, danila.aita@polimi.it, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA), Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Prof. K. Bagi, bagi.katalin@emk.bme.hu, Department of Structural Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary Prof. M. Bruggi, matteo.bruggi@polimi.it, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA), Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Prof. G. Milani, gabriele.milani@polimi.it, Department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction engineering (ABC), Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Prof. A. Taliercio, alberto.taliercio@polimi.it, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA), Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
organised by: Prof. Jaroslav Kruis Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
organised by: Prof. Marcin Kaminski Head of Research in Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Transportation, Department of Structural Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering Lodz University of Technology, Poland
organised by: Dr Jose Maria Benitez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain Dr Jacobo Ayensa, Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria de Aragon, Spain Dr Marcos Latorre, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Professor Francisco Javier Montans, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
organised by: Professor Ranjan Banerjee, School of Science and Technology, City, University of London, United Kingdom
The Conference Chairmen are Prof. Barry Topping (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK and
University of Pécs, Hungary, Prof. Peter Iványi (University of Pécs, Hungary)
and Prof. Jaroslav Kruis (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic).