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Computational, Engineering & Technology Conferences
The Sixth International Conference on
Railway Technology:
Research, Development and Maintenance


STECH 2024
The 10th International Symposium on
Speed-up and Sustainable Technology
for Railway and Maglev Systems

1-5 September 2024
Prague, Czech Republic

Technical Visits
5th September 2024

Conference Participants can now book a place on a technical visit by emailing:

DO NOT: email the conference registration or any other person because only Dr Antunes can allocate places on the visits. Please note that your email must:

  1. Use the title: "Railways 2024 Technical Visits Booking"
  2. Provide your first and second name
  3. Give your email address for reply
Please note:
  • There are a limited places available for each visit, so the booking priority will be allocated by the order that booking emails are received.
  • Only the registered delegates that booked their places in advance can attend the technical visits.
  • The deadline for technical visits booking: 23/08/2024

TV1: Faiveley Transport Czech a.s.
VGP Park, Hala B, U Přivaděče 1315/3
326 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic

Brief Description:
Please find attached a short presentation of Wabtec CZ facility here.
It is a production and testing site for various Wabtec Transit products, historically focused on pantographs, trolley poles and electromechanical switches (so called ELMS products). In recent years also include a production of brakes, couplers and doors. There are also complete engineering, project management, sales, quality, logistics, sourcing and operations teams for the products listed above.

Time and Duration:
Day: Thursday, 05/09/2024
Start: 08:30 am
Duration: 2 to 3 hours.
Places available: 15

How to arrive to Wabtec from Prague:
The facility is located next to a highway from Prague to Pilsen. It is very easily accessible by car. There are direct train leaving every hour from Prague central station to Pilsen. In such case, it would be necessary to take a taxi from Pilsen train station to the Wabtec facility.

TV2: Double-Tracking of the Railway Line and the new Praha-Bubny Railway Station
Meeting point: Praha, before entrance in Vltavská Metro station. Closest tram station “Vltavská”.

Brief Description:
Please bring appropriate footwear for the construction site!
Tour of the construction of part of the railway connection between the center of Prague and Prague Airport. The length of the visited route is about 3 km. Tour will include the almost completed construction of the new Praha-Bubny railway station building and adjacent overpasses.

Time and Duration:
Day: Thursday, 05/09/2024
Start: 09:00 am
Duration: 2 hours.
Places available: 30

TV3: Prague Metro Line D Construction
Meeting point: Praha, opposite the house Na Strži 1199/49. Closest bus stop “Krčský hřbitov”, bus No. 193.
Brief Description:
Please bring appropriate footwear for the construction site!
Tour of part of the construction of the new metro line D in the Pankrác - Olbrachtova section, which includes 2 excavated stations, an excavated tunnel section and an excavated connecting tunnel to metro line C. The entire section is excavated using the New Austrian Tunneling Method. The Pankrác station is the largest and most complex station of the entire D metro line. The visit will include:
- Introductory lecture - description of the current construction
- Training
- Tour of the underground structure
- Return to site equipment
Time and Duration:
Day: Thursday, 05/09/2024
Start: 09:00 am
Duration: 2:30 hours.
Places available: 30

TV4: Traffic Control Centre Praha
Meeting point: V Trianglu 2474 (closest tram/bus stop “Balabenka”), in front of the gate (entrance to the closed area)

Brief Description:
The central Prague dispatch center provides remote control of railway traffic in the territory of the Czech Republic. The workplace, technology and technical facilities were put into operation in 2016. It provides traffic management on 686 kilometers of railway lines, 102 railway stations and 115 railway stops. The dispatch apparatus covers 6,575 kilometers of railway lines. The visit will include:
- Briefing in the meeting room with a presentation
- Training hall
- Viewing the “sharp” operational hall
- Return to the training hall
- Discussion

Time and Duration:
Day: Thursday, 05/09/2024
Start: 09:00 am
Duration: 2:30 hours
Places available: 35

TV5: Masarykovo Nadrazi Railway station reconstruction (Oldest railway station in Prague)
Address/Location: Meeting point: In Prague City Centre: Intersection of streets Havlíčkova / Na Florenci. Closest metro station “Náměstí Republiky” – Exit E2, tram stop “Masarykovo nádraží”.

Brief Description:
Please bring appropriate footwear for the construction site!
Reconstruction of the oldest railway station in Prague takes place in 2024-2027. After the reconstruction of the station and the connecting line, it will be the starting station of the railway to Václav Havel Airport in Prague. The track area will be significantly expanded and a new platform will be created, located above the entire track. The reconstruction also includes all technologies, traction lines and power supply. Revitalization plan of the Masaryk Station area is prepared by Zaha Hadid Architects. The visit will include:
- Presentation: Overview of historical progress (CTU, Faculty of Transportation Sciences)
- Presentation: Reconstruction, visualisation
- Site visit
- Possibility to visit the adjacent building

Time and Duration:
Day: Thursday, 05/09/2024
Start: 09:00 am
Duration: 2:30 hours.
Places available: 30

TV6: VÚKV a.s.
Address/Location: Za Dráhou 586, CZ-281 02 Cerhenice
How to arrive from Prague:
Direct train from station “Praha, Masarykovo nádraží” to station “Cerhenice” (1 hour travel)

Brief Description:
VÚKV a.s. deals with research, development and testing of railway rolling stock. A technical visit is planned to the testing facility where the latest testing technology can be seen, e.g. static test bench for strength tests, test bench for safety against derailment, calibration room for instrumented wheelsets and others.

Time and Duration:
Day: Thursday, 05/09/2024
Start: 10:00 am
Duration: 3 hours.
Places available: 40

TV7: Škoda Transportation a.s.
Address/Location: Škoda Transportation a.s. Emila Škody 2922/1 301 00 Plzeň
How to arrive from Prague:
Take the train from station “Praha hl. n.” in direction to “Cheb” and exit in “Plzeň-Jizni Predmesti” (1 hour and 45 min travel)

Brief Description:
Excursion to the production facilities of Škoda Transportation.

Time and Duration:
Day: Thursday, 05/09/2024
Start: 10.30 am
Duration: 2 hours.
Places available: 30